

Kristen Kovach’s practice includes patent drafting, prosecution, and portfolio management across a broad range of technological areas, including medical devices, computer-implemented technologies, and mechanical and chemical products. Kristen leverages her diverse experience to advise her clients across a patent’s lifetime, including drafting, prosecution, opinion drafting, and strategic planning.

Through her prior work as a patent litigator, Kristen gained insight into the importance of a strong patent portfolio and methods for strengthening a patent portfolio in the earliest stages. Before joining the firm, Kristen was a fellow with the Art and Antiquities Blockchain Consortium. As a fellow, Kristen co-developed a sales management system for high-value art sales that utilizes blockchain technology to maximize transaction security, confidence, and profitability.

Prior to attending law school, Kristen began her studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she majored in Biology with minors in Chemistry and Slavic and East European Cultures. She continued her education at Case Western Reserve University where she studied Medical Physiology with a concentration in Bioethics. While at Case Western, Kristen researched data collection and usage patterns of direct-to-consumer genetic testing and the potential effects these patterns could have on users.


  • Conducted prior art searching to invalidate an opposing patent in a patent infringement litigation for a multinational biotechnology company.
  • Performed freedom-to-operate and patentability searches for medical device company.
  • Assisted in the development of an application to aid individuals with Fragile X syndrome and co-morbid autism better understand health care decisions.

Bar Admissions

  • District of Columbia
  • North Carolina
  • U.S. Patent & Trademark Office


  • Wake Forest School of Law, J.D., 2021
  • Case Western Reserve University, M.S., Medical Physiology, 2018
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., Biology, 2016


  • Space of Her Own (SOHO), Mentor
  • American Intellectual Property Association (AIPLA), Member
  • Women’s Bar Association Foundation of the District of Columbia, Member